Latest Jokes

3 votes

On an airplane, I overheard a stewardess talking to an elderly couple in front of me. Learning that it was the couple's 50th wedding anniversary, the flight attendant congratulated them and asked how they had done it.

"It all felt like five minutes..." the gentleman said slowly.

The stewardess had just begun to remark on what a sweet statement that was when he finished his sentence with a word that earned him a sharp smack on the head:


3 votes

CATEGORY Airplane Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
$9.00 won 5 votes

Doctor: Your DNA is backwards.

Me: And?

5 votes

posted by "Richard Felt" |
$10.00 won 7 votes

I came home from work this evening and said to my wife, "Are we having salad for dinner?"

"Yes we are, how did you know?" she asked.

I replied, "Because I can't hear the smoke alarm."

7 votes

posted by "RobertAlex" |
$6.00 won 5 votes

I was having trouble with my computer at work so I called IT Support...

He said, "Have you tried disabling cookies?"

I said, "Well, I once bit the legs off a gingerbread man?"

5 votes

posted by "Richard Felt" |