Latest Jokes

1 votes

I accidentally rubbed ketchup in my eye.

In Heinzsight, I shouldn't have done that.

1 votes

posted by "Peter P." |
$8.00 won 1 votes

Two lady school teachers from Brooklyn, spending their sabbatical year exploring western Canada, stopped at a small and old-fashioned hotel in Alberta recently.

One of the pair was inclined to be worrisome when traveling, and she couldn't rest until she had made a tour of the corridors to hunt out exits in case of fire. The first door she opened, unfortunately, turned out to be that of the public bath, occupied by an elderly gentleman taking a shower.

"Oh, excuse me!" the lady stammered, flustered. "I'm looking for the fire escape." Then she ran for it.

To her dismay, she hadn't got far along the corridor when she heard a shout behind her and, looking around, saw the gentleman, wearing only a towel, running after her.

"Where's the fire?!" he hollered.

1 votes

$5.00 won 1 votes

While watching the tv show "Sisters", my then 5 year old daughter was having a hard time understanding how one sister was expecting a baby but the baby belonged to a different sister.

After explaining to her that the egg from one sister was placed inside the body of the expectant sister, she then asked, "Does the egg have shells?"

1 votes

posted by "Rezia" |
$12.00 won 2 votes

I know a guy who works as a custodian and gardener at a nearby apartment building, and sometimes I earn a couple extra bucks by lending him a hand when he's got a particularly big workload.

He's got some bad habits, though. He asked me if he wanted to share a joint while we were on a break.

I declined. I didn't want to deal with a high maintenance guy.

2 votes

posted by "Peter P." |