Latest Jokes

$25.00 won 3 votes

Hey, have you heard about the latest anonymous sperm bank being established by the State of Indiana?

It will be called "Hoosier Daddy!"

3 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "OscarElPaso" |
$12.00 won 2 votes

A fellow came into a bar and ordered a martini. Before drinking it, he removed the olive and carefully put it into a glass jar. Then he ordered another martini and did the same thing. After an hour, when he was full of martinis and the jar was full of olives, he staggered out.

"Well," said a customer, "I never saw anything as peculiar as that!"

"What's so peculiar about it?" the bartender said. "His wife sent him out for a jar of olives."

2 votes

posted by "merk" |
$6.00 won 1 votes

One morning over breakfast, a husband was complaining to his wife. “I’ve been with the circus for over 25 years, and every performance I follow behind the elephants and clean up their poop. Twenty-five years, ‘Scoop the poop! Scoop the poop!’ I’m tired of it.”

His wife calmly said, “If you’re so unhappy, why don’t you quit?”

“What! And leave show business?!”

1 votes

posted by "Gary Greenfield" |
$9.00 won 1 votes

Joe, a lifetime miner, was working in the depths of the mine, as he usually did. Suddenly he started to feel confused and babbled nonsensically.

His fellow miners sent a message to a nearby hospital to send an ambulance to check on the confused worker.

When Joe reached the exit and stumbled out of his workplace, an ambulance driver confirmed Joe’s problem when he cried out: "Look, Joe’s out of his mine!"

1 votes

posted by "Pillowpack" |