Latest Jokes

1 votes

I was signing the receipt for my credit card purchase. The clerk noticed that I had not signed my name on the back of the credit card. She informed me that she could not complete the transaction unless the card was signed.

When I asked why, she explained that it was necessary to compare the signature on the credit card with the signature I just signed on the receipt.

So I signed the credit card in front of her. She carefully compared that signature to the one I signed on the receipt.

As luck would have it, they matched.

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posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
2 votes

What did the dentist call the x-ray he took of your mouth?

A tooth pic.

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CATEGORY Dentist Jokes
posted by "greens52" |
1 votes

My father said I missed parts of the lawn when I cut it.

He told me people are respected when they do stand-up work.

My father has always been a wise man so I followed his wishes and became a comedian.

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Marty" |
1 votes

The reason they named a bar a bar and not a fly is because wedding invitations work much better when it’s announced they’re having an open bar.

1 votes

posted by "Marty" |