Latest Jokes

3 votes

Two rabbits were being chased by a pack of hungry wolves. The wolves chased the rabbits into a thicket.

After a few minutes, one rabbit turned to the other and said, "Well, do you want to make a run for it, or should we stay here for a few days and out number them?"

3 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Merkv814" |
3 votes

Why do watermelons contain so much water?

Because they're planted in the spring.

3 votes

posted by "Foxie" |
$9.00 won 10 votes

Where do you take some one who’s been injured in a peek-a-boo accident?

To the I-C-U!

10 votes

posted by "Chloe2015" |
4 votes

Who's able to clear up the rubbish?

Trash can.

4 votes

posted by "FTomasz" |