While watching the tv show "Sisters", my then 5 year old daughter was having a hard time understanding how one sister was expecting a baby but the baby belonged to a different sister.
After explaining to her that the egg from one sister was placed inside the body of the expectant sister, she then asked, "Does the egg have shells?"
A frantic woman takes her kid to the doctor. "Doctor, doctor," she says. "My son swallowed a pen!"
The doctor says, “Calm down madam. I’ll take care of it. But let me get some information first." He takes a clipboard with a form and asks her, “Name?”
The woman replies, “Parker”
After a movement of thought the doctor says, “The name of the BOY, Madam, not the pen brand.”
The more I get to know people...
The more I realize why Noah let only animals on the boat.
Dear Paranoid People who check behind their shower curtains for murderers...
If you do find one, what's your plan?