A fellow had a buzzard for a pet and decided to take him to Hawaii on vacation. He realized it was a long flight and that he couldn't afford the exorbitant fees charged by air lines for extra luggage.
He wasn't prepared for Delta to deny boarding to his pet buzzard, Buford, though. Seems Buford had too much carrion baggage.
Give a man a fish, and he’ll
Instagram it...
Teach a man to fish, and he’ll still Instagram it.
The day after the Annual Academy Awards program had aired, my wife and I were riding on the the freeway, when she saw a digital highway information sign which read, "There's no Oscar given for being a lead-foot!"
I quickly responded, "No, but you might get 'slapped' with a ticket!"
Why are orphans so bad at poker?
They don’t know what a full house is.