Best Jokes

$8.00 won 1 votes

SON: Can we go to a haunted house this year?

DAD: What's wrong with the one we live in?

SON: Huh?

DAD: Goodnight...

1 votes

CATEGORY Holiday Jokes
posted by "aod318" |
1 votes

1. If I like it, it's mine.

2. If it's in my hand, it's mine.

3. If I can take it from you, it's mine.

4. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.

5. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way.

6. If I'm doing or building something, all the pieces are mine.

7. If it looks just like mine, it's mine.

8. If I think it's mine, it's mine.

1 votes

posted by "merk" |
$6.00 won 1 votes

What did one fungi say to another fungi when they got married?

“I want to grow mold with you.”

1 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |
$8.00 won 1 votes


I've discovered a machine that produces love, wealth, death, health, failure and success via sound waves.

I've named it The Rumor Mill!

1 votes

CATEGORY Science Jokes
posted by "Wano U" |